10.5km, 1079m (3540ft) elevation gain.
5040 Peak Has been getting hammered on social media recently. It's been on my list for a while but I didn't want to do it on a weekend where everyone and their dog would be there.
I started on Thursday. Most people on the trail were dayhiking but there were 3 groups of tents set up at the lake and maybe one more on the ridge with me but I never saw them! One group had rented the cabin but I never saw them either. Lots of room!!
5040 Peak is accessed by a logging road about 40 minutes West of Port Alberni. The logging road is rough at parts. Clearance on your vehicle is needed. AWD or 4x4 preferred for parts. It's another 30-45 minutes to go 9km down the logging road to the trailhead.
On your way, may as well stop at Hole in the Wall in Port Alberni.
Day 1 - Trailhead to Camp, Summits 7km, 1041m elevation gain.
This trail is rooty and steep. It's over "quickly" at least! Watch your footing here, lots of roots and rocks to trip over, easy to slip on parts. Someone slipped and fractured their leg near the summit needing a rescue just days ago. Be sure of your footing, bring a hiking pole.
After about an hour of climbing up and over roots and rocks you reach Cobalt Lake. Most people like to camp here and I don't blame them. Quick and "easy" access to a great lake, unlimited water.
I stopped at the lake, refilled my water bladder and two extra bottles I bring with me. I had 4.5 litres of water on my back for the next uphill section! There is almost no water above the cabin.
After another 30 minutes or so I reached the first ridge above the lake. There is a cabin here that you can rent, but you still have to get there. You are asked to use this washroom only. No pooping above the hut! https://www.alpineclubofcanada.ca/.../5040_Peak_Hut.aspx
After another 30 minutes of climbing you get to the ridge which gives you a great view to the East and West. There's a few great spots to set up here. I set up camp slightly below the ridge and almost lost my tent down the mountain because of the wind. The entire thing got picked up and luckily I was able to turn and grab it! After staking everything out I got out my daypack and headed up the peak.
It's closer than it looks from here! After about 15 or 20 minutes I was at the top! I signed the register and spent an hour alone up there, cooking in the sun and enjoying the view. After a while I worked my way down to camp. There's a couple of slightly sketchy and exposed sections here so you had to be a little more careful of your footing.
At camp, I decided I had enough time to explore the smaller peak to the South of the ridge. I worked my way around and came up from the side, scaring a couple of grouse out of the bushes. I don't think this minor peak is visited as often.
Once on the top I found a small spot that has been used as a camp before. Seemed like a great spot to me, though not sure on the sunrise from there. 49.1865, -125.2800
I made my way back to camp and ate dinner while the mosquitos ate me. I found my thermometer after it had cooled down a bit. 35 C in the shade. I wonder how hot it actually was at the summit. I melted a bit of snow for water and used it to cool myself off. I waited around a little longer and made my way back to the 5040 summit. This time I brought my rain jacket and bug net. I enjoyed the sunset on the summit bug free and people free, for the most part.
It was a great experience and I will definitely repeat it. I couldn't stay until the end of the sunset, unfortunately. I wanted a bit of light to help make my way back to camp, even though I did bring and use my headlamp.
The stars slowly started to appear and I was in for an even bigger surprise. I had set up my camera to mess around with some night shots and I started to see the Perseid Meteor Shower from 1429 meters. I was not able to capture any with my camera but I counted 9 before I went to bed.
I could have stayed up all night but unfortunately I did not make sure my camera battery was fully charged and did not bring a spare.
It was still hot and after getting in bed I had the great idea to remove my tent fly! I fell asleep under the stars, sometime after counting the 17th meteor. Wow.. amazing!
Day 2 - Camp to Trailhead 3.6km, 852m elevation loss.
I set my alarm for 5:15am. The sun would wake me up soon enough anyways. I set up my phone to take a timelapse of the sunrise as I made breakfast and packed up the tent, enjoying the view as I did. At around the 7 second mark of the sunrise video you can even see a meteor briefly.
I am glad I finally made it up here. It's a little too popular but for good reason I guess. A hard but quick hike with great views of Triple Peak, The Cats Ears, Mount Hall, Nahmint Mountain, Cobalt Lake.
Perfect way to wrap up my holidays. I've summited three new peaks, hiked 90km and gained 6508 meters / 21,351 feet of elevation in the last two weeks. Better start thinking about next year!